Working Smarter, Not Harder
CommBox and RealWear, Inc. as a duo not only compliment but elevate the functionality of the other. Let’s chat about that more using the example of a recent integration we completed for a Plumbing company.
This solution has really set a benchmark for us going forward for simple, well-executed integration that truly adds value for the customer.
A conversation was initially started around using RealWear to train apprentices on the job. As we learned more about what the customer was after we realised that utilising both the premium technologies offered by RealWear and CommBox, this particular customer could not only optimise but grow their capacity to execute training and therefore the expertise and size of their team.
So what was the setup ?
A CommBox interactive touchscreen was installed on a mobile stand in their offices. This gave them the flexibility to easily move it from room to room as required.
Apprentices would gather for training around the CommBox which would be displaying a livestream from a RealWear device worn by a senior plumber. In this way, trainees could not only learn but participate in onsite work, remotely, as it happened through the large display. Senior technicians could instruct but also complete work, completely hands-free, whilst explaining their process and answering questions.
Using the touchscreen’s interactivity, the livestream could be saved, captured and annotated over.
Additionally using the video conference features on the CommBox and the Teams and Zoom integrations on both devices, apprentices in the office could not only see and hear what was happening onsite, but also be heard and seen through the RealWear display by the onsite trainer wearing the gear, allowing constant two-way communication.
This setup also meant that the business never had to split time between training and executing required work. Senior plumbers could perform the work whilst trainees followed along remotely in the office, swapping streams between multiple senior plumbers so the trainees were always learning even while the senior plumbers were in transit.
In some circumstances, trainees, rather than senior plumbers would attend the site wearing the RealWear gear. This would allow just one supervisor to oversee many trainees at once using the CommBox screen as the display for all live feeds. From there the supervisor could provide live instruction, feedback and corrections as needed.
This technology has also allowed them to perform competency assessments remotely, and allows every member of the team, regardless of their level, constant and live access to resources and support wherever and whenever they need it.
Want to learn what our products could be achieving for you?
Give us a call on 1300 417423 or email info@leadingedgeinnovations.com.au